
A COVID ‘exit strategy’ and other commentary - New York Post

Libertarian: A COVID ‘Exit Strategy’

“What if we not only lost the war on COVID, but it was never really winnable?” asks Peter Suderman at Reason. In blue states, officials have rolled back pandemic policies, “leading to accusations of cynical political motives.” Yet it might be even “something deeper” than that: Voters have “simply given up on the idea that COVID can ever be defeated.” Clear echoes of both “the war on drugs and the war on terror” are evident in the COVID fight, which will “eventually” seem “futile at best” while “COVID waves continue to swell and crash” and voters to conclude “that whatever it is we’re doing isn’t working.” The one certainty: Vaccines continue to be “effective at preventing severe disease and death” — which “may or may not represent victory,” but it is “an exit strategy.”

From the right: Biden’s Clueless on Gas Prices

“There are few more easily observable measures of the cost of everyday living than the price of gasoline” — which “recently hit a seven-year high,” sighs Jeffrey H. Anderson at American Greatness. “A little less than two years ago, a 12-gallon fill-up cost Americans an average of $21. As of the week ending February 7, 2022, it cost them $41. (On the eve of COVID, it cost them $31.) That extra 20 bucks (or 10 bucks versus pre-COVID pricing) matters a lot to most everyday Americans.” Yet “from the beginning,” Team Biden has been “hostile” toward fossil fuels and has “done the bidding of environmental extremists.” The prez just doesn’t get it: Americans are more concerned about the “tangible effects of gas-price change” than “the speculative effects of ‘climate change.’ ”

From the left: San Fran Rethinks Its Politics

“In a West Coast edition of the national turmoil over education,” San Francisco voters “overwhelmingly supported a recall initiative aimed at three outspokenly progressive members of the city’s school board,” notes New York magazine’s Ed Kilgore. The board members “angered both liberal and conservative parents by keeping most public schools in San Francisco closed” until fall 2021 and by trying “to rename 44 schools to get rid of ‘injustice-linked’ names” like Abraham Lincoln. Voters also fumed over the board’s push to eliminate merit-based admissions at elite city high schools. No, San Fran isn’t turning red anytime soon. “But clearly the traumatic events of the past couple of years have forced a reconsideration of what one of America’s great bastions of progressive politics thinks of itself.”

Urban beat: New York’s War on Women

“Kristal Bayron-Nieves, Michelle Go, Dorothy Clarke-Rozier, and now, Christina Yuna Lee — four women, all making their way in the big city, all murdered by strange men in the first six weeks of 2022,” frets City Journal’s Nicole Gelinas. New York could have prevented half of these deaths: “Lee’s alleged killer, 25-year-old Assamad Nash, has a disturbing criminal history,” yet Manhattan prosecutors “charged Nash only with misdemeanors, and he went free on ‘supervised release.’ ” Couple that “with a state bail ‘reform’ law that prohibits pretrial incarceration even for most ‘major’ crimes,” and you have criminals back on the streets waiting to offend unsuspecting women. “Textbook urban policy holds that cities thrive only when women feel safe in public spaces; no sane woman feels safe in New York right now.”

Conservative: Red-Tape Revolt

Every hour that businesses spend on “compliance” — i.e., red tape — “is an hour stolen from creativity and productivity,” reasons Hugo Gurdon at the Washington Examiner. Worse still is “corrosive compliance,” like “the requirement to write ‘diversity statements’ ” in the academy, which has changed the atmosphere so that 62% of Americans “fear speaking freely.” Then there’s “the proliferation of useless” COVID rules and the loss of faith in public officials; it’s enough “to make ordinary people rebel.” Like so many other “empires that overextended and then collapsed, the culture of compliance appears to be cracking and falling apart.” — Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

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February 22, 2022 at 07:36AM

A COVID ‘exit strategy’ and other commentary - New York Post
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